Student Spotlights

Headshot of MSW student Mackenzie Lerario

Mackenzie P Lerario, MD, NYS CPS/CRPA-p (They/them/Doctor) is a board-certified vascular neurologist, physician activist, telehealth advocate, peer specialist, and social work student at Fordham University with a field placement at the National LGBT Cancer Network. Dr. Lerario has >30 peer-reviewed publications in prominent medical journals and frequently presents their work at major international conferences. They were the founding medical director of the NewYork-Presbyterian Mobile Stroke Treatment Unit Program.

As an openly-identifying pansexual, transgender and nonbinary neurologist, they are a member of the World Professional Association of Transgender Health and the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association. They serve on multiple regional and national organizations as a volunteer advisor on promoting equity and inclusion for sexual and gender minorities, including the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association. They are a founding member of the Gender Equity Working Group of the LGBTQIA+ Section of the American Academy of Neurology. They are the founding director of Greenburgh Pride in Westchester, NY.