Headshot of Dean Debra McPhee



The Graduate School of Social Service is a community that embraces innovation!

As it always has, the social work profession must continue to evolve and lead in defining inclusive, equitable, and quality care in a contemporary world. At Fordham, we are committed to the Jesuit tenant of cura personalis—care for the whole person. It’s a tenet that guides how we care for our students and teach them to be skilled and compassionate social work professionals. But caring for the whole person is more challenging than ever in this age of digital hyper-connection, with its Zoom fatigue, social media, and email inboxes that never seem to empty.

Over the past twenty years, technology has accelerated at a dizzying pace - from artificial intelligence to automated workflows and augmentation/virtual reality. There are no signs of this trajectory slowing down, which means every sector of our society will continue to be impacted by the application of evolving technologies. Social work is no exception. The implications for our social, political, and economic future are not yet clear. But as social workers, history has taught us that knowledge is power. Understanding technologies and the many ways they impact individuals and society is critical to our work. In order to recognize both the power and possibilities that any new technology offers, we must extend our education as professions into uncharted areas.

It’s true delving into the world of technology can be intimidating. And there’s plenty to be wary of in a world governed by algorithms. However, as professionals, we must differentiate between the application of technologies and the technology itself. As with any new tool, the implications are all in how it is used. Who benefits? Who might be harmed? What needs to happen to ensure the best possible application and minimize the unintended negative consequences? As social workers, these are the fundamental questions we’ve always asked concerning any change, new policy, or intervention. In navigating any change, we rely on our core professional values to ensure inclusion, equity, and the protection of dignity and worth of all individuals. As professionals, we have a dual focus - helping others adapt to the challenges they face while at the same time ensuring the adaptation serves both the individual and the common good.

As with all change, we must seek balance. As we navigate the continual implementation of digital innovation, social workers have an opportunity to use technology to ensure a seat at the table not only for our profession but for individuals and communities that have been systematically marginalized. Moreover, social workers bring a unique understanding of the importance and power of relationships. As a profession, how can we use technologies to strengthen connection, collaboration, and participation? Our profession continues to evolve through this kind of exploration and education while remaining true to our core values and mission.

We hope you enjoy the stories in this magazine that highlight how GSS supports and celebrates this critical balance. You’ll read about the innovative strides and the relationships of which our school is most proud. And if you are reading this message, we are very grateful to have you along for the journey as we continue to evolve. Thank you.