Beauty Standards put on Women

How long do women have to feel like they are not enough?

How long do women have to feel they are expected to meet a certain standard to be considered “beautiful”?

Introduction & Background

Mission of MY project

Beauty pressures are where the public and media portray that women need to meet certain standards to be considered pretty in society’s eyes. It is not morally right to put high expectations on women to the point they doubt their own self-worth. Everyone is being pressured and feels the mental effects of it, all the insecurities, self-doubt, depression, and low self-esteem. It has gotten worse over the years because of the influence of social media. Social justice themes that this injustice addresses are solidarity and the common good, the dignity of the person and human rights, and family life. I want to advocate for the younger audience of the future generation to give them the knowledge of how today’s society is affecting us and to tell them that they are not alone. They are the future and can make a change but they just need to be taught and guided in the right direction.

Relationship between trends and society

  • Trends change all the time so once you think you finally meet the standard, there will always be another that will be created

  • Society makes it seem that you have to look a certain way when in reality no one is perfect