
“What is grit? Grit is refusing to give up. It’s persistence. It’s making your own luck.” - Peter Diamandis


Goal: demonstrate perseverance and resilience

Grit means you can...

Work through failures and challenges

    • People with grit don't let failures and challenges get in the way of moving forward. They are able to bounce back and progress because they understand that navigating through failure is part of learning and growing.

External Resources:

Take risks

    • People with grit are willing to push their comfort zones and take risks in order to grow. They understand that taking risks means they might encounter failure and obstacles, but they are willing to try.

External Resources:

Work past "good enough"

    • People with grit do not settle for "good enough" in their work or efforts. They willingly push past minimum expectations in order to produce work that challenges them. They often produce unexpected results in the areas of quality and innovation.

External Resources:

How can you develop these skills?

  • Look for opportunities to practice in and outside of the classroom

  • Identify what is in your comfort zone now

  • Identify what "good enough" is for you

  • Explore the value of taking risks

  • Assess what you do when you are faced with challenges or failures

  • Let go of perfectionism and focus on growth

  • Instead of giving up, try one more time

  • Try looking at the situation or problem from a different perspective

  • Take a course