Paper Proposals

We invite all scholars interested in the themes of the conference to submit an abstract of up to 300 words and a brief bio with institutional details of up to 150 words. Speakers will be allotted 30 minutes, and we would expect a 20-minute paper presentation, plus 10 minutes for questions. Please submit your proposal here.

Panel Proposals

We are accepting panel proposals pertinent to the subject of the conference. Panels will last 90 minutes and should normally consist of three paper presentations. Panel proposals should involve a panel title and 300-word description of the panel’s aims and themes. Please also send us a list of panelists, as well their paper abstracts and bios of the same word lengths as in the case of paper proposals. - here

Deleuze and Guattari Camp Applications

We kindly ask students and scholars interested in the Deleuze and Guattari Camp to submit a brief letter of intent via our website. The letter of intent is to be approximately 300 words long. We also need a short bio with institutional details of up to 150 words. You can submit your application for the camp here.

Please note that we have a limited number of 60 spots available for the camp. If the camp if already full, applicants will be placed on a waiting list and contacted of any openings as soon as possible.