Welcome to Floyd County Schools Individual Learning Plan Hub. Use the following links to submit and access your ILP, as well as grade level activities.
Advisor Information
Advisor, use the above link or click the image to access your advisor/advisee form.
Advisor, you can review your data and your student's completion percentage by clicking the image and the link above.
ILP Timeline
By September 20th
All students should have been instructed in the importance and function of their Individual Learning Plans and started their "Steps".
All students should have had their beginning of year 1st Advisor Session.
By October 15th
Any High School student in 9th-11th grades who plans to participate in the Early Graduation Program must indicate that through "Step 1a" of their ILP.
By October 31st
All students should have been instructed in the importance and function of their Digital Portfolio. All 7th-12th grade students should have created a Digital Portfolio for the 2023-2024 school year. These students should continuing to add and curate those instead of creating a new one. These portfolios will be located in their google drive.
All students should have completed "Steps 1 - 6"
By December 20th
All students should have completed the following:
Completed "Steps 1 - 6"
Update and further develop their "Home" (About Me) page, "Resume" page, "Community Service" page, and "Activities" page.
Submit at least (or more) pieces of evidence with a detailed description from the fall semester for each of the 7 Competencies.
All students should have had their 2nd Advisor Session discussing the data from their "Steps" and discussing improvements for their Digital Portfolio.
By March 20th
All students should have completed the following:
Updated and finalized "Home" (About Me), "Resume", "Community Service" and "Activities" pages.
Submit another piece of evidence with a detailed description from the spring semester that shows growth in each competency.
By April 15th
All students should have presented their portfolio in an age appropriate setting.
6th-8th grades (small group presentations)
9th-11th grades (classroom presentations)
12th grade (Stakeholder committee presentations)
Teaching Tools
Step 1 - Who I Am?
Knowing "who you are," will direct break down what you like and how you learn to interpret what your future may hold. Take your time and answer the questions honestly to get the most accurate results possible.Begin my Personality Profile now! (Please wait 15 to view your results at the following link. VIEW MY RESULTS)
Step 2 - How Do I Learn?
Did you know there are different types of learners? Some people learn better when they hear things explained to them while others prefer to see it written down. Utilize this space to find out how YOU learn best.Begin my Learning Style Inventory now! (Please wait 15 to view your results at the following link. VIEW MY RESULTS)
Step 3 - Let's set some goals!
Creating goals allows us to take our ambitions and generate actionable steps to achieve our dreams. One way to organize these thoughts is by setting SMART goals. Instead of just saying we want to become a doctor. We can create a SMART goal to break down the necessary actions to achieve that dream. Click the link above to see a short video and activity on the importance of goal setting.Create My Goals! (Please wait 15 to view your results at the following link. VIEW MY RESULTS)
Step 4 - What is my career cluster?
A career cluster is a group of occupations with similar features. Jobs in the same cluster require similar knowledge or skill sets. If someone enjoys a job in a particular cluster, they are more likely to enjoy related occupations in the group. Click the Step 5 - What is my career cluster link to find out your.Find My Career Cluster! (Please wait 15 to view your results at the following link. VIEW MY RESULTS)
Step 5 - What is the best career for me?
Career inventories are tools you can use to explore your career options. They do not magically tell you “what you should be when you grow up” but they can be quite useful in your career decision-making. These tools will evaluate your personality, interests, and work habits in a variety of environments and help you think about how your values or interests might match some specific career fields.
Begin my Career Inventory now! (Please wait 15 to view your results at the following link. VIEW MY RESULTS)
CTE Survey
Step 6 - College and Trade School Exploration
Finding a school that fits your interests and your needs can be overwhelming when you first start. Utilize the link below to find the best fit for you!
Begin my College and Trade School Exploration now! (Please wait 15 to view your results at the following link. VIEW MY RESULTS)
Step 7 - This is me!
If you have already created your Resume you will find it in your Google Drive. If you have not created a Resume click the link below.
If you have already created your Portrait of a Graduate (Digital Portfolio) you will find it in your Google Drive. If you have not created a Portrait of a Graduate (Digital Portfolio) click the link below.
If you need help as you create your Portrait of a Graduate (Digital Portfolio) click here Digital Portfolio Help link