Stumbo Elementary School

Donna Robinson, Principal
Jaynie Watts, Assistant Principal
Makayla Simpkins, School Coordinator

Noah Salisbury
First Grade
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Dragon For Christmas

This year for Christmas, I hope to get a dragon. I love dragons because they can fly and breathe fire. I should get this so my family can ride on his back and keep him as a pet.

The Silly Elf

When I was five years old, my elf on the shelf played the funniest prank ever on my family. When I woke up on Christmas morning, the first thing on my mind was, “What has my elf done today?” I looked all over my house until I spotted him on the kitchen counter and I couldn’t believe my eyes. That silly elf had stolen all of our toilet paper and wrapped himself up like a mummy! It was supposed to be Christmas, not Halloween! I was so surprised! Now I always wonder what that silly elf is going to do next Christmas.

Amirah Lawson
Second Grade
Overall Primary Winner
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Alyssa Wright
Fourth Grade
Overall Intermediate Winner
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Mom’s Christmas

The best Christmas gift I have ever given was a single necklace. I gave my mom this necklace last Christmas.

It had the words “Best MOM Ever” written over a heart. I wrapped the necklace myself. When she opened it on Christmas morning, she cried tears of joy. I had never seen my mom cry like this before. Mom always helps me when I need her and puts others first. I hope she treasures this gift for years to come. I will always remember her face that Christmas morning.

Ice Ice Santa

The funniest thing that happened to me on the Christmas holiday was when I was coming home from my mamaw’s house. I had just finished opening gifts and I slipped on iced over concrete. My family couldn’t help but laugh after checking on me. I sure hope Santa doesn't catch that same patch of ice.

Eli Tackett
Fourth Grade
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Parker Newsome
Fifth Grade
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My Favorite Christmas Memory

My favorite Christmas memory was when I got my dog. My sister and I always wanted a dog, and one year, it finally happened. It was so funny because when we first saw the box we thought it was a normal box, until it started whining and moving! I was three, so I got scared and ran away trying to hide. But when my sister opened it and I saw it was a puppy I was so happy. We named her Rosie, and she has been my best buddy ever since.

The Meaning of Christmas

The world we live in may seem crazy right now, but this Christmas season and all the time, we need to think about and focus on Jesus. He is the true reason for the Christmas season.

Ariel Witham
Fifth Grade
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Jonah Watts
Fifth Grade
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The Best Gifts

Some people may say the best gift is a new game or a new phone, but I know the best gift of all. The best gift I have ever received is the joy of love, family, happiness, and the good feeling of making others feel happy.

What Christmas means to me

What does Christmas mean to me? It means that it is our Father up in Heaven's birthday and his name is Jesus. I don't know about you but I want to thank Him because He's the reason we are here today. Without Him I don't know what I would do. Christmas time also means that you get to see most of your family and close friends that you might not have seen in a long time. Some people think Christmas is all about gifts but for me I would rather give gifts to people and not just to my family but to the families that might not have enough money to buy gifts.

Madison Newsome
Fifth Grade
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Braxton Newsome
Sixth Grade
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What Christmas Means to Me

Christmas is a very celebrated holiday throughout the world, but some people still don’t know the real meaning. Christmas to me and my family is a day where our whole family gets together and creates more memories than we had before. Christmas is a day where you might see your family that you haven't seen in a while. It’s a day of laughter and fun. It’s a day of giving gifts to loved ones and receiving gifts from them in return.

Santa’s Real Heros

During these tough times right now with deadly diseases going around and having to take many precautions, No one really knows how much medical workers play a role in keeping people safe and their families at home. I have two family members that work in the hospital and both have families. When she gets home from work every night she's stressed and overwhelmed and most of the time sad because her patient passed away. Seeing how much she talks about people dying makes me enjoy the little things in life and appreciate everything. Also my granny had cancer and had to spend many holidays in the hospital and I know how much that affected me, but I’m very thankful for the workers who took care of her. My message to all the medical workers is you worked so hard to get where you are today. You can affect so many people's lives by even being nice to your patients. Your families are blessed to have an amazing person that helps other families.

Alivia Hamilton
Seventh Grade
Overall Middle Winner
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Tyra Tackett
Seventh Grade
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You’re Appreciated

If you work in the medical field during COVID, it’s obviously very hard for you to see your family because you’re constantly busy caring for others. You have to be worried about being quarantined, or catching the virus and bringing it back in on your family, yet you still choose to keep working. I would just like to say we appreciate you and everything you do to try to keep our world safe. I hope you’re able to see your families soon and have a Merry Christmas.

A Message for You

You might think that you're not appreciated and the sacrifice you make is not seen during these hard times. While I am at home with my family opening gifts in my pajamas and feasting on Christmas dinner you are suited up in your scrubs, feeding patients putting their needs in front of yours. I'm surrounded by my family and the people I love on this cold, cozy morning, on the other hand you are out there sacrificing your health and time helping other people. You, the healthcare workers that keep us going in Kentucky, are greatly appreciated by the patients and everyone around you. We thank you for the hard work you've dedicated your time to, have a merry Christmas.

Aubrey Williams
Seventh Grade
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Emily Roberts
Seventh Grade
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Thank you Jesus!

If I could grant one wish it would be that my mom never had lung cancer. Last December my mom was diagnosed with cancer and had to go to Lexington for surgery to remove one of her lungs. My whole family was worried if she’d be okay or not. We prayed that she would be okay and that’s all we could do. One day she came back from the doctor all happy. She said that her cancer was gone. There were a lot of tears. It was a Christmas miracle. Thank you Jesus!

An Off Key Christmas

The best Christmas gift that I have ever received is my piano. It had been the worst Christmas of my life that year. My grandma died only four days before Christmas and I woke up with the flu on Christmas morning. The one good thing about it is that one of my gifts was a piano. I wasn’t interested at first because it brought back sad memories, but after I started actually playing, I liked it, and I was good! Two Christmases ago my family and I were quiet because we were sad, but now we can be happy and listen to me play Jingle Bells.

Allie Roberts
Seventh Grade
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Lydia Johnson
Seventh Grade
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Double the Joy

In 2011, a few months before Christmas all I could think about was how I wanted a baby sister. I admired how my older sister took care of me and I wanted to be that older sister who always cared for a younger sibling. Soon we found out my mom was pregnant!! I was so excited to be a big sister like my older sibling was to me. In November we found out it was twins!!! I was so happy that I could now take care of two babies. Still today I love them very much and wouldn't trade them for the world.

What Christmas means to Me

Christmas, to me, means spending time with family and friends.The way my mom’s sugar cookie candle fills the house with a sweet and sugary aroma, as we sit in our living room watching a Christmas marathon on television. The bright white, the way the Christmas tree colorful lights flicker with rainbow and glisten with the gingerbread ornaments. The anticipation creeps through our home, with the question, “ What will Santa bring me this year?” as we wait and wait for daylight to come around so we can tear into the perfectly wrapped gifts. But, what means most to me and my family, is when we get to sit with our family at the dinner table on Christmas day. As we laugh and carry on, we think about these precious moments for the rest of the year. That’s what Christmas means to me

Kyndal Forsyth
Seventh Grade
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Isabella Tackett
Eighth Grade
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Christmas Miracle

If I could grant one wish for the world this Christmas, it would be for COVID 19 to completely disappear. So many joyous family events have had to be delayed or postponed because families had constant fear of getting COVID. How wonderful it would be to put away our masks and to hug our loved ones close and tell them just how much we love them. They say Christmas is the most magical time of year, so maybe, just maybe, my wish will be granted!

The Angel at the Top of Our Tree

One of my favorite Christmas memories comes from my Church's 2019 Christmas play. This year I got casted as a Christmas tree, and I had a feeling my costume was going to be big and extravagant. One of the directors of the play was Kat Tackett; she was in charge of the costumes as well. She tailored it to make sure it would fit by sewing every stitch and adorning it with decorations and even a star on top! Unfortunately Kat wasn't feeling very well around the time of this play, but would never let it show. Soon after she was diagnosed with cancer, and later courageously faced COVID-19. She fought hard, and is one of the strongest women I will ever know. Sadly the Lord had called her home in December 2020. This year I’m going to continue the Christmas play at our church, while Kat may not be with us physically, she is still there in our hearts always. I might have been the Christmas tree that year but she was the one that lit up everybody's faces.

Layla Johnson
Eighth Grade
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Kennith Newman
Eighth Grade
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That One Time

I remember that one time back in 2015 when my cousin showed up at my mamaws with a bunch of presents and his wife had a pan of cookies. Now this seems normal but it was weird and my mamaw asked what they were doing and they responded with “ Where is everybody?” Puzzled, my mamaw asked, “What do you mean?” “It’s Christmas.” Shaking her head, mamaw said, “That’s tomorrow.

Making a Difference

If I could grant one wish it would be the animals within the Floyd County animal shelter. I couldn't imagine spending my life within a cage for multiple years. Just knowing those who are left without a home face euthanasia is truly heartbreaking to me. If I could grant one wish it would be for the animals of the Floyd county animal shelter to find a forever home. Imagine the joy those animals would feel to be taken into a family on Christmas. It is so sad that our shelter even drops the adoption fee to $5 at times, and we as a community still choose not to adopt. This Christmas I challenge all of you to make a difference in Floyd County animal lives.

Mylee Hamilton
Eighth Grade
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