Allen Elementary School

Kyle Shepherd, Principal
Seth Crisp, Assistant Principal
Kristen Garrett, Assistant Principal
Ramona Caldwell, School Coordinator

Lunetta Marsillett
First Grade
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What Christmas Means to Me

Waking up to open up my Christmas presents with my family, getting to eat my favorite food and it being Jesus’ birthday.

What Christmas Means to Me

Christmas means to me having fun and not being bad and doing nice things. I love to open presents, but the most important thing is spending time with my family. You never know when it will be the last Christmas.

Max Messer
Second Grade
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Nolan Compton
First Grade
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One of my favorite Christmas memories is when my elf, Peppermint, comes from the North Pole and moves to different places in the house every night. One time she stacked our couch cushions up to the ceiling fan. I was so so surprised. You never know what she is going to do!

If I Could Grant One Wish

If I could grant one wish for the world it would be to stop Covid19 virus so families will stop losing loved ones. I pray everyday that things can be the way they were before covid. I miss that.

Karson Holbrook
Second Grade
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Beck Ly
Third Grade
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If I Could Grant One Wish

If I could grant one wish, it would be to give every person a good breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Nobody deserves to go to bed hungry. I’m thankful that I get to eat everyday. Some people are not so lucky. A hot meal is something a lot of people take for granted!

Covid and Christmas

Christmas was different last year because of covid. We were quarantined and couldn’t do our usual traditions like visiting all of our family and eating together. So last year we stayed home and read “Twas the Night Before Christmas” on Christmas Eve, opened gifts, Christmas morning, and we ate dinner at home. We started a new tradition of wearing matching pajamas too! Covid did not stop Christmas for us.

Aspen Slone
Third Grade
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Aria Ottrando
Third Grade
Overall Primary Winner
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Traditions play such an important part of the Christmas season. These traditions are passed down from one generation to the next. We always put up our Christmas tree while listening to Christmas music playing in the background. I spend Christmas Eve at my Mimi and Peep’s, where we eat, play games, and open presents. But my favorite tradition of all is still getting to spend Christmas day with my Great Grandparents. I am so lucky to still have them in my life. I cherish all the time I have with them.

My Wish

I would love to wish for stuff for me like toys and coloring pencils to draw with, but I think the best wish this year would be for my Aunt Janet, for me to cure her cancer. My aunt is having a hard time and my cousins, Jaylen and Eli, want to have a long time with their Mom. That is why this wish is more special than any gift.

Scarlett Messer
Third Grade
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Jayleigh Lay
Fourth Grade
Overall Intermediate Winner
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Christmas Morning

We get up early every Christmas morning. Then, we take turns opening presents. We go from the oldest to the youngest. My dad goes first, then my mom, then me, and my little sister. After that, we get ready and head to my Mamaw Jo’s house where we all help make breakfast. Then, we gather in the living room to open our gifts. We all sit and hang out with each other all day and watch Christmas movies.

Dear Healthcare Workers,

During the last year, you haven’t been able to see your families for the holidays. Thank you for sacrificing your health and time with your family. You put yourself at risk of getting the virus, and don’t see your family in fear of spreading covid. Our healthcare workers are heroes of their own, and don’t need capes to prove it! Healthcare workers were taken for granted before the pandemic. We need to appreciate healthcare workers now more than ever, and wish them a Merry Christmas!

Sydney Cavins
Fifth Grade
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Judah McCarty
Fifth Grade
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A Magical Time of Year

Christmas is the most magical time in the world to me. Catching snowflakes on my tongue. The twinkle of Christmas lights. The smell of cookies baking in the oven. The warmth of a fireplace and my family surrounding me with love. This is what I love most about Christmas.

Waking up in the morning, with a warm filling in your heart. Just waiting on your parents to let the day start.

Snuggling close to a fire, hot coco in hand. Waiting for the rest of your family to burst in.

Hoping for the gift that you asked last week, opening all the presents that you see.

Play with your new toys and family, going to bed smiling happily.

Elena Mullins

Fifth Grade
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Elijah Tackett

Sixth Grade
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One of my best Christmas memories is this one year, I remember me and my family got to go to the archer park Christmas festival and it was sooooo cold and my mom and dad let me and my two sisters do the bungy jump trampoline. I had so much fun and I think that my two sisters had fun too. When we left my hands were so cold and numb that I could barely feel them while we were there we got peppermint candy and funnel cakes.

Christmas through the eyes of me is a chance for us as people to give more than we receive, a chance to pray to God. Us as people in a world as it is now, in chaos is horrible. We need to give more and Christmas is a perfect time to do that. We need to pray to God and Jesus for they have gave more to us then we can imagine. Christmas is a perfect time to give more and to pray more to God and Jesus. That is christmas through the eyes of me.

Bryston Fannin

Sixth Grade
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Brittany Hunt

Seventh Grade
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What Christmas means to me is all of the great feelings of the holiday season. I always help decorate the inside and outside of my house. Sitting in front of the fireplace and drinking hot chocolate is one of my favorite things to do. My dog usually chews the wrapping paper off of the presents but it is always fun to re-wrap them. The most exciting part to me is spending Christmas with my family.

Christmas is one of the most wonderful times of the year, children and adults love it! Whether you like to smell the fresh baking, or you like to open your favorite gifts with your favorite people. I like baking with my family because we make the best memories. My favorite food from Christmas is peach cobbler. I would like to have some new clothes for Christmas. Me and my family like to watch Christmas movies and bake cookies! My sister is 6 years old and she loves to make cookies and get carrots to put on the fireplace for Santa and his reindeers. She said her favorite is Rudolph. One of the things I love the most is baking and eating the delicious desert.

Kaden Johnson

Seventh Grade
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