welcome to 7th & 8th-grade math with

Mrs. DeSio

February Parent/Teacher Conferences

Hello parents and guardians!

Below is the information for signing up for February conferences.

The conference schedule is as follows:

February 9, 2022

virtual and in person appointments avaiable

Virtual Conferences: 12:40-1:30 & 7:00 - 7:50

In Person Conferences: 1:40-2:30 & 6:00-6:50

Link to sign up for conferences through google calendar:


Conferences will be in 10-minute slots

Please make sure to include students first & last name

Please make sure you are signing up for the type of conference you want, there are times available for both virtual conferences & in-person conferences and are labeled as such

Hope to see you:)

Please email me with any questions or concerns: cdesio@florence.k12.nj.us