Serendipity Child Care Center

By Theobeat Cheon

5 January 2023

The Serendipity Child Care Center founded in 2009, by Sarah and Theresa, provides an engaging curriculum in academics, creativity, and playtime. With each staff member having had extensive experience working and volunteering in various areas of child care, their team is well prepared to provide families the best care for each child. Starting from what was once a dream to a reality, Sarah recounts an unexpectedly joyful development of how Serendipity Child Care came to be.

Sarah, who at the time was a director of a child care facility, first met Theresa when she came in for a job interview. During their discussion, both were surprised to have had the same life goal which was to start their own child care center. Since then, they both decided to work together to reach that goal. However, it was a daunting attempt. This would be the first time that each of them would leave a stable job to start a business. An intimidating and serious first step for many new business owners. Though with the right intention coupled by hard work, they made it happen. They bought a house and turned it into a state-accredited child care center while still maintaining its home-like feel. They had rooms expanded and new ones built to establish spaciously safe classrooms. In addition to its inner development was a beautifully built playground. Once it was all complete, Sarah could not express how worthwhile it was for her and Theresa to have been able to turn what was once a grasping dream into a touching reality.

As the building changed and the number of children increased, there was one thing that remained consistent—a good set of principles. Sarah and Theresa believe in treating children as individuals. In other words, each child is unique and learns differently at every stage of growth. With attentive observation and involvement, each staff member is diligent in creating a positive and healthy environment for each child to learn and socialize in. It is on this very principle of individual uniqueness that Sarah and Theresa have been able to tailor their learning curriculum to be engaging and accommodating.

Equally important is the communication between staff members. Sarah and her team always strive to be on the same page whether it is from day-to-day tasks to communicating individual stress levels. Through tactful communication and openness, everyone is able to share their thoughts. This allows for a family-like environment where everyone is inclusive of each other’s concerns. They further believe that their engagement and focus levels are strengthened by good team cohesion and that it can have a positive effect on the children watching.

One other factor that stood out from our discussion was Sarah’s enthusiasm. From the moment she worked with children until now, her passion had never faded nor did her standards lower. And it was the same for each staff member. Without such an enduring vision, they do not believe they would have made it this far. Sarah and Theresa’s story is an inspiring lesson for anyone looking to start their own business. It starts with a vision followed by effort—toils and all. At the end of the day, a vision can only become a reality through hard work. It could lead to a result unexpected, unpredicted, or even unusual. Or, it might just lead to something serendipitous.