Kevin Hunter: Lake County Board Member (District 5)

By Theobeat Cheon

31 January 23

The Lake County Board consisting of 19 members; oversees and approves an extraordinarily large budget of more than half-a-billion dollars. With a large financial responsibility, they make substantially large decisions on behalf of the third largest county in Illinois. Kevin J. Hunter (District 5), current board member and representative of Fox Lake and Lake Villa, provided several unique and encouraging perspectives on local politics.

Having served in the fire department for 22 years, Kevin has been greatly involved in his local community all throughout his life. He was eventually appointed by the Lake County Board to be a chairman in 2021. Rather than by election, Kevin was appointed board member due to his qualifications and experience. This idea of appointment versus election is an ancient one dating back to Plato’s ideals of a statesman. When selecting citizens to be in government, the question must be asked: who shall represent the people? One who is suitable and qualified for the role or one who pleases the multitudes based on mere appearances and words?

Kevin believes the key to good statesmanship is good character. A statesman should not be defined solely by partisan labels, but by an accumulation of good and selfless deeds. As politics have become increasingly more polarized, Kevin believes it is crucial for the public to take the time to understand who they are electing to positions of local government. This involves researching the candidates, inquiring the needs of the community, and attending board meetings.

Furthermore, he heavily advocates for citizens to get involved in their local communities. While this may sound trite and repetitive, there is no way for citizens to have a say in what undergoes the changes in their community, other than to physically involve themselves in the process. This has been made easier given the transparency of government meetings. For instance, now people can conveniently stream and participate in local board meetings at home. Furthermore, residents can access all of the information discussed at board meetings or even biographies about the board members through the Lake County Board website or by board members’ individual websites.

As the Lake County Board continues to make changes in our communities, Kevin intends to remain true to his goals. These include ensuring that Lake County is a place where families can safely raise their children; for businesses to develop and invest; and to preserve the natural beauty of the land. Most importantly, Kevin hopes to keep his feet grounded next to his constituents as he believes they represent the essence of his role on the board and are the key drivers of his decisions.