Saturday May 18th and Sunday May 19th, 2024

FALA’s Fantastic Fantabulous Mixtical Amalgamations: 

One Act Play


Flagstaff Arts and Leadership Academy

A two-day festival of one act plays that are written, directed, and acted out by FALA students.  Brought to you by Mr. Selby's Creative Writing, Mr. Maniglia's Tech Theater, and Mr. Lyerly's Writing for Performance, High School Intro to Acting, and Middle School Intro to Theatre

 About the project

In fall of 2023, Mr. Selby and Mr. Lyerly brainstormed on the idea of their writing classes creating made-to-order scripts for the actors in the high school and middle school intro-level theatre classes.  At the end of the first semester, Mr. Lyerly asked his actors to make specific requests for what they would like to see in their final performance of the school year.  After receiving requests as varied as "I want to play a viking" and "I want to die onstage in a tragedy," the writing classes went to work, crafting multiple play scripts containing these requested elements.  The best of these scripts were selected by the acting classes for production.  The plays in this festival are the fruits of those labors.