Gifted & Talented Program 

Mrs. Scordino

What is Giftedness?

What is Giftedness?

There are many definitions of giftedness. The State of Maine defines gifted children as those in grades K-12 who excel or have the potential to excel, beyond their age peers, in the regular school program, to the extent that they need and can benefit from programs for the gifted and talented. This group comprises approximately 3-5% of students. Annemarie Roeper, educator/author, defines giftedness as "a greater awareness, a greater sensitivity and a greater ability to understand and transform perceptions into intellectual and emotional experiences". Both definitions connect directly to the 12 characteristics of giftedness we use to identify gifted thinkers, recognized in various forms by teachers and families. Please bear in mind that a gifted thinker need not exhibit every single one of these characteristics.

The behaviors listed underneath each characteristic may be viewed as potentially positive (with a +) or potentially negative (with a -), depending on the context.


+ Grasps concepts and complex problems easily, recognizes relationships, reasons well.
- May resist rote learning, drill and practice; argues well (too well).


+ Large vocabulary precisely used; expresses thoughts and ideas well.
- May dominate class discussions or not listen to others.


+ Retains information well; needs minimal direct teaching; may be high achiever.
- Not easily kept busy; may be annoyed/ frustrated with routine or repetition; may be disruptive.


+ Willing and eager to learn new material; asks provocative questions.
- May persist in asking questions; not satisfied with simple explanations.


+ Interests may be unusual for age; often reads extensively.
- May overextend self; may be preoccupied with own choices.


+ Sticks with task if interested.
- May lose track of time; ignores deadlines or other work.


+ May show initiative; may enjoy working alone; not afraid to voice opinion.
- May challenge authority or appear rebellious.


+ Concern with social injustice and moral issues; may have aesthetic appreciation.
- May be overly sensitive to peers; may be rigid about social issues.


+ May do exceptional work; senses discrepancies or injustices.
- May suffer from own perception of failure; may not complete tasks; may be skeptical or judgmental


+ Alert and perceptive; sees unusual connections and details.
- May point out discrepancies or other’s mistakes.


+ Uses strategies to solve problems; generates ideas and solutions.
- May reject usual methods.


+ Intellectually playful; derives pleasures from many aspects of learning.
- May distract or annoy others with jokes, puns, etc.; not always understood by peers; may be bizarre.

Adapted from Molly Smith for the Talents Program - Yarmouth Schools (12.2008)

Gifted and Talented Program Description



Camden-Rockport Elementary School’s Gifted and Talented (GT) program aims to serve upper elementary school students (Grades 3 and 4) who are specifically identified as gifted and talented. To support these students and create rich learning environments, students who perform well above grade level may also be included in enrichment classes as space permits.  There are screening and identification processes for GT identification that are described in a separate document. To identify intellectually or artistically gifted children we use the state criteria of 3% - 5% of the school population as a guide. We do not offer specific GT programming in Grades K – 2.

Gifted & Talented services at Camden-Rockport Elementary School are designed to provide small group or individual learning experiences based upon the needs and characteristics of identified students.  The goal is to help students access a variety of appropriate learning opportunities available to them throughout their school day.  Program options may include pullout groups, advanced classes, subject acceleration, grade based acceleration, independent study, and differentiation and instructional grouping within the regular classroom.  Although we do not offer differentiated programming to students in the primary grades, we will provide appropriate services to students who are highly or profoundly gifted in those grades.

Opportunities for upper elementary students who are well-above grade level at CRES are outlined here and described in further detail below:






A.  Opportunities for high ability math students (not limited to GT)

B.  Opportunities for students identified as Gifted and Talented in Math


A.  Opportunities for high ability reading students (not limited to GT)


A.  Opportunities for high ability students (not limited to GT)



A.  Extended Opportunities for artists of all abilities

B.  Opportunities for students identified as Gifted and Talented in Art


A.  Extended Opportunities for musicians of all abilities

B.  Opportunities for students identified as Gifted and Talented in Music

K – 2

Although we do not offer direct programming for students in the primary grades, the GT teacher may be available on a limited basis to consult, team teach, and serve as a resource for primary grade teachers to help them differentiate their instruction as needed.

Academic Identification Process


Gifted & Talented Academic Identification Process 

The purpose of the screening process is to identify students who are gifted and talented so that their needs, interests, and abilities may be supported through appropriate learning experiences. The identification process is outlined below. 

Camden-Rockport Elementary School’s Gifted and Talented (GT) program serves students who are specifically identified as gifted and talented. To support these students and create rich learning environments, students who perform well above grade level may also be included in enrichment classes as space permits. The screening / identification process is outlined below.

End of Second Grade Screening and Identification 

A letter is sent home to all parents of Grade 2 students explaining the Gifted and Talented (GT) identification process at CRES.

At the end of Grade 2, we begin to determine which students will be screened for GT identification in the fall of Grade 3.  To do this, we use quantitative and qualitative data sources. Students who meet both criteria (a NWEA score of 95th percentile or higher and meet the required score on the individual student teacher questionnaire) are added to the screening pool.

A. NWEA Scores

The CRES GT teacher reviews spring NWEA test scores. All students who scored at the 95th percentile or higher will be considered in the initial screening pool. A score of ≥95th percentile on either the math or the reading NWEA is equivalent to the following RIT scores:

Spring G2 RIT Scores:

     Math: 212 or greater

     Reading:  211 or greater

Fall G3 RIT Scores: 

     Math: 211 or greater

     Reading:  214  or greater

B. Individual Teacher Questionnaires

Grade 2 teachers will complete individual questionnaires for any student who scored at the  95th percentile or higher on either Math or Reading spring NWEA.

The students who met the above criteria form the screening pool for Grade 3 GT identification. Every student in the screening pool will meet with the GT teacher for an informal interest inventory interview. This interest interview allows the identification committee to learn more about each student, beyond what a test score can show.  This interview is also directly linked to commonly recognized gifted and talented characteristics and is designed to glean more about each student’s passions, interests, and curiosities.

The students in this screening pool will then continue the full screening process in the fall of Grade 3. Each parent will be mailed a Parent Questionnaire to complete and return to the CRES GT teacher. This is not used as screening data, but is very helpful in allowing the GT identification committee to gain more insight into each child being screened. Parents will also be asked to complete a permission form giving the CRES GT teacher permission to give the CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test), the SAGES (Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary and Middle school students) II Math/Science, and the SAGES II Reading/Social Studies tests in the fall of 3rd Grade.

All of the screening data is scored, norm-referenced, collected, and compiled by the CRES GT teacher. The CRES GT Identification Committee then meets to review all the data and determine who meets the eligibility criteria. The committee membership includes both a district and a building administrator, GT teacher, and the guidance counselor. If a student receives scores indicating that he or she is eligible to be identified as Gifted and Talented, the identification committee will determine the most  appropriate programming (e.g. subject advancement, extension class, in-class differentiation support, etc.).

After the identification committee has met and made placement decisions, a letter describing a clear instructional plan is mailed home to the parents/guardians of all students who were screened. If a student does not demonstrate a need for Gifted and Talented identification, it will be indicated in this letter. The programming options (may be one or a combination) for students who are identified as  Gifted and Talented are the following:

Parents may appeal the decision of the GT Identification Committee by writing a letter to the building administrator and GT teacher. This is considered a first appeal and should include additional information, if available. The GT teacher will collect additional data during the appeals process, by administering the SAGES 2 Reasoning subtest and a NWEA retest to make a final determination.  If denied, a further appeal can be made to the Assistant Superintendent who serves as the Director of Gifted and Talented.

The programming plan for every student identified as Gifted and Talented will be carefully reviewed at the end of Grade 3 to confirm the best programming options going into Grade 4. It is important that the students demonstrated engagement and commitment to their work in order to continue receiving services. A student, and their parents, can request that the student no longer receive the Gifted and Talented programming at any time. Students who were identified as GT will retain that identification for the years they remain in MSAD #28. However, placement into Gifted and Talented programming will be re-evaluated each year.

End of 3rd Grade  or Fall of 4th Grade Screening and Identification 

Selection for Further Testing (Grade 3 students in Spring or as Grade 4 students in Fall)

Students who did not participate in Gifted and Talented program during Grade 3 can enter the screening pool in any of the following ways:

Spring G3 RIT Scores: 

     Math: 224 or greater

     Reading:  224 or greater

Fall G4 RIT Scores:

     Math: 223 or greater

     Reading: 224 or greater

Students who meet the screening criteria in spring of third grade will be screened in the fall of 4th grade.

The CRES GT Identification Committee will go through the same process they did the previous fall to identify students as Gifted and Talented.

Screening Criteria



Guidelines for inclusion in the screening pool at the end of Grade 2 (must meet both):

                Criteria for

Gifted and Talented Identification

NWEA 98%

CogAT 96%



Student Interview 5 pts

To be identified as 'gifted' in a particular subject, a student would need to meet the criteria by scoring  3 out of the 4 targets in the 'Gifted and Talented' range on the above chart.

In order to support students with Gifted and Talented identification and to create rich learning environments, students who perform well above grade level may also be included in Gifted and Talented enrichment classes as space permits.

Twice-Exceptional Students

Students who are gifted may also have a special need or disability— just as students with disabilities may also be gifted. The term “twice-exceptional,” also referred to as “2e,” is used to describe children who qualify for Gifted and Talented services while also qualifying for special education support. 

Very special consideration has to be made when scheduling the instruction and programming for these students. The GT teacher meets with the special education teachers and the parents to determine a plan since the available time must be shared by special education and the GT Program.

Students new to the district with prior G/T identification

Students new to the district without prior G/T identification

Nomination during the school year by a student's classroom teacher

Student must have >95% on either math or reading NWEA to be considered for nomination.

ELL student nomination

We will consider an ELL student in light of their English Language Proficiency and the impact it may or may not have on performance results that were based in English. If language is not an apparent barrier to performance, ELL students must meet the same criteria as all other students. We will make every effort to have the parent questionnaire translated into their native language if the parent is not fluent in English.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions 

about CRES Gifted and Talented Programming

Who can receive Gifted and Talented (GT) programming? 

3rd and 4th graders who qualify

What is offered at each grade level? 

1-2 pullout math/science classes per week, 1-2 pullout reading classes per week.

How long are the classes?  

This depends on the GT teacher’s schedule limitations, but anywhere from 50-60 minutes each.

Who is on the Gifted and Talented Identification Committee?

Shawn Carlson, Gifted and Talented Director and Assistant Superintendent

Chris Walker-Spencer, CRES Principal 

Katie Bauer, CRES Assistant Principal

Sarah Scordino, GT teacher

Susan Conover, CRES guidance counselor

What data is used to determine GT identification?

When can a teacher or parent refer a student for possible screening?

If it is after the October Identification decisions have been made (or if he/she is a new student), the student will have to wait until they can take the mid-winter NWEA  (unless the student scored at or above 95% on the most recent NWEA).

What else can the Gifted and Talented program offer, other than the three subjects of extension classes listed above?

What GT programming is offered at CRMS or CHRHS?

See the posted documents on the web pages for CRMS & CHRHS Gifted and Talented programming (subject to change annually).  CHRHS offers specific courses for GT programming.

What is a classroom teacher responsible for once their student becomes an accelerated math student, with the GT teacher as the math teacher of record?

The classroom teacher is responsible for nothing in math.  That student will be on the GT teacher’s class roster in Jumprope and the GT teacher is responsible for all instruction and all assessment in that subject.  When progress reports are printed, the math portion will come from the GT teacher’s entries and data.

Below are resources to check out if interested in learning more about differentiation.