The Power of Scent: How Aromatherapy Can Benefit the Sickest Patients

Emily Eleuteri

Aromatherapy is the practice of using inhaled essential oils to enhance well-being. This complementary alternative therapy (CAM) may be beneficial to hospitalized patients as they struggle with anxiety and high stress levels. This literature review aims to examine the current research surrounding aromatherapy using lavender in intensive care unit (ICU) patients, as well as to determine how healthcare professionals view the use of essential oils in the hospital. Recent literature using qualitative and quantitative study techniques focused on patient outcomes such as anxiety levels and vital signs of ICU patients after exposure to lavender aromatherapy. The findings of this review determined that although research regarding the use of aromatherapy in the hospital is still developing, there is promise for the positive effects of aromatherapy on patient outcomes. It was also discovered that the current studies regarding aromatherapy have limitations that illustrate a need for further research. Overall, healthcare professionals have a positive view of aromatherapy, and have called for more research on its safety to better implement it in their practice. Aromatherapy does have a place in patient care, and even though its implementation may be complex, the data show it is ultimately beneficial for patients.

Faculty Sponsor: Amy Kendrick, Nursing