Alternative Summative Assessments to Foster Creative Thinking

Connors alternative assessments.pdf

Lindsay Connors

This presentation explores the alternative approach to summative assessments for students at the secondary level. Generally, giving students a summative assessment that allows them to creatively interact with the material promotes further engagement with the material. Handing out an end of the unit test has many drawbacks due to the fact that many students do not test well. There is no room for students to interact with the material when giving out a test beyond the circles and letters they choose. Assigning creative projects is a way to let students delve into the material in their own creative way that can exhibit who they are as a student. Summative assessments with opportunities to let the students use their creativity opens up a pathway for students to interact with the material in a way that can display their learning styles and understanding of the material. While it is most beneficial to the students, teachers also have the advantage of gauging student understanding while also taking into consideration the various types of learning styles that are upheld in the classroom.

Faculty Sponsor: Katharine Covino, English Studies