The Potential Public Safety Threats within Smart Buildings

Cameron Sousa

Smart Buildings utilize BIoT’s and IoT’s to reduce a building’s energy cost. Depending on the application, BIoTs and IoTs are able to automate the following (Within a building): fire protection, HVAC temperature parameters, door locks, and much more. In this article, a case study and several scholarly articles were examined; along with the author conducting interviews. In doing so, the author wanted to know if a hacker has the ability to manipulate a Smart Building's automated system to enable harm to the building's occupants. When diving further into the research, the question was raised, what proactive measures can be implemented to minimize harm? Also, this study utilizes the combination of article analysis, case studies, and interviews that were conducted; to comprehend if this threat is highly potential? Along with the thought of taking advantage of modern-day technology to increase security/safety within a Smart Building (If someone were to hack into the building's automated system to harm its occupants). By the end of the research, the author came to the conclusion that the threat is highly possible and, for those (In a managerial position) to invest in a threat that has an unknown likelihood; isn't a practical business practice. Yet, the action of implementing regulation and bylaw will assist in lowering the amount of harm (If a threat were to occur, within a Smart Building). In combination with utilizing the building's advanced technology to improve overall surveillance and security.

Faculty Sponsor: Nirajan Mani, Engineering Technology