My Experience as a Public Health Intern

Brittany Jefferson

I participated in two different internships for the fulfillment of my Bachelors of Science degree in Environmental Public Health. The first one was with Living in Freedom Together (LIFT) and the second one was with National Africa College and Health Services (NAH). LIFT provides services for women who have experienced homelessness, domestic violence, abuse, and help them to create a better life for themselves. I took on the responsibilities of collecting, organizing, and documenting donations, and attended conferences for future opportunities. At NAC, I was able to explore my creativity and enhance my skills with brainstorming different ways to create opportunities for noncitizens with health professions. In addition to that, I altered social media platforms, and the main website for desired audiences, attended conferences, offered my own ideas and opinions for different marketing, and created outlines for the future plans and possible outcomes for the company. In alignment with my BPH degree, LIFT and NAC are all about access and equity which are pillars of public health. They are also both passionate companies that are trying to create opportunities for people who they were once in their position. The importance of creating opportunities for people with different situations is beneficial to society and the public as a whole. A personal goal that I have set for myself to achieve from my experience is to gain more knowledge and confidence in my career direction.

Faculty Sponsor: Elizabeth Gordon, Earth and Geographic Sciences