Benefits of Assistive Technology in the General Education Classroom

Sophia Fallavollita

The rate of the use of Assistive Technology devices in the general education classroom has increased substantially over the past 10 years. For this reason, it is important to know what kinds of technologies are available to provide all students full access to the curriculum. There are several different levels of Assistive Technologies ranging from low tech to high tech along with different functions. Assistive Technology devices can have a wide range of uses from being tools students can use to understand the curriculum in the classroom to devices that physically assist in their learning. These different types of Assistive Technologies give students with disabilities the opportunity to become more independent in their learning and other skills along with providing them additional access to educational opportunities. Teachers should be aware of their options for implementing Assistive Technology into their classrooms through varying methods along with their options for furthering their knowledge of assistive technology so their students can gain the most out of their education. This presentation focuses on research surrounding the effective use of Assistive Technology. I will first discuss the background and history of Assistive Technology. Then, I will discuss the various types of devices and levels of devices that are seen in schools. Lastly, I will discuss research around how prepared general education teachers feel to implement Assistive Technology in the classroom and the role of administrators in preparing teachers to use and implement Assistive Technology as well as being a part of the process of providing these devices to students and teachers.

Faculty Sponsor: Karen DeAngelis, Education