Helping Kids Using CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine): An Integrative Literature Review of the Effects of CAM in Pediatric Oncology Patients

Amanda Byrnes

Over recent years, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has grown in popularity, and while data is still limited, it is predicted that interest in this field will only increase. The utilization of these interventions is widespread, encompasses various populations, and has shown promising results in pediatric oncology patients. Children diagnosed with cancer and related conditions suffer from a plethora of issues, symptoms, and side effects from both their disease processes and their often extensive medication regimens. All of this makes these children optimal candidates for CAM therapies. This integrative review of the literature examined the current data on some of the most commonly used and documented forms of CAM in this population. The use of these interventions to aid in relieving symptoms in these children is still in the early stages of research but should not be dismissed. Overall, the results favor these treatments when used in addition to traditional medicine for symptomatic relief in pediatric oncology patients. Further research is indicated to determine the feasibility and efficacy of CAM modalities, as they may be a very beneficial tool in helping to manage some of the difficulties that children with cancer face.

Faculty Sponsor: Christine Oleksyk, Nursing