Sydney Kinz

Last Moments

A Short Story


“Okay. I have to run to the copy room to make a few copies of your To Kill a Mockingbird exam, but I will be back in a few minutes so continue reading,” is what my teacher, Mr.Sharp, says. I was reading page 177 of To Kill a Mockingbird when “Alice” is said three times slowly over the loudspeaker. Alice is what they say when there is a shooter present in the building. Alice stands for “alert, lockdown, inform, counter, and evacuate.” We all get up and start moving the things around the room. The boys and strong girls are picking up tables and pushing them against both doors. This kid named Matt is trying to organize it to make it as strong and sturdy as possible. I am trying to pick up chairs and put them at the doors. It's hard to do this because we have to be as quiet as possible. We don’t know exactly where the shooter is so we don’t want to draw attention to this room....

LAST MOMENTS - Sydney Kinz.docx