Chloe Peterson

Smiling Is My Mask

A Poem

My smile is my mask
The dark loneliness taking over during winter
Is this the bleak end as I know it

Ghosts haunt these walls at night
Am I too tired to fight or just don’t care
Is this the bleak end as I know it

The wind rattling the windows makes it through my hollow bones
I have never felt so cold and alone
Is this the bleak end as I know it

I wake up and get out of work only to see the bleak dead of night
Everyone saunters around looking like emotionless robots on autopilot
Is this the bleak end as I know it

My mask of a smile carries me through the day to make a good impression
The dark unknown isolation only leaving me to my own devices
Is this the bleak end as I know it

When the snow melts and flowers bloom I do too
Until then the mask of my smile will have to suffice this loneliness
Is this the bleak end as I know it