Baily Gates

Far Away

A Poem

In a small house,
in a land far away,
lived a girl in a blouse.
Who loved to spend the day
smiling and playing,
hair bouncing and splaying.
Near a small house
in a land far away.

The girl wishes and she dreamed,
for the golden star that gleamed.
For a day that would last,
and that would be a blast.
For the girl in the blouse
who lived in the house,
in a land far away.

But for the girl in the blouse,
who lives in this house,
her dream was just that,
a dream for the gleam.
One that she hoped
would reign supreme,
in this land far away.

Sadly, this would never occur,
for the young girl.
As she hoped and dreamed,
my mind reigned supreme.
As it took away the gleam,
the gleam of which the young girl
This girl in the blouse,
who lives in the house,
in a land far away, she was sad.
I sat up.
My heart started with a thump.
The thoughts stormed my head
as I sat up from my bed
in a never-ending drilling
as I sat there willing
it to stop.

But, no
she kept smiling,
and conniving,
while I sat there dying.
It seemed like I was drowning
as I felt myself frowning.
I was tired
I gave up.

But then I saw a cup.
Half-full or half-empty?
I saw half full,
so I began to pull.
Myself to air,
it wasn't fair,
as my sopping hair
blocked my glare
to the girl in the blouse
who lives in the house
in a land far away.

I was sick of the schtick
Of the girl
The lying
The conniving
The smiling
Of the girl.
It was her.
In the blouse
In a house
Of a land far away.

In a flash,
I was back.
I sat up and looked around the room,
My room.
There sitting was my sister,
How I missed her.
My heart pounded like a band,
as I began to stand,
and I realized I despised,
the girl in the blouse.

The girl in the blouse
Who lives in the cursed house
In that land far away.
I didn't envy her.
She was alone.
No one to turn to,
When sad,
or even mad.

But for me,
I have my family.
The people who birthed me,
Raised me,
Fed me,
Bathed me,
And my friends,
Who are with me
to all ends.