The True Origins of the Korean War


What do you believe was the cause of the Korean War 1950? A majority of people may simply believe it was just a civil war between the North and South Koreas. In which North Korean leader at the time Kim Il Sung had decided to invade the South in attempt to reunify the Koreas. However, there is a deeper answer to the question I have asked. An answer that is not easily recognized at the surface level knowledge of the Korean War. In fact, I will display this misconception of the origins of the Korean War through explaining how a New York Times article on the Korean War only entailed the surface level knowledge for the causation of the war. I then have researched a multitude of primary sources from the Wilson Center Digital Archive, in which detailed communication between those whom were the real puppet masters in causation of the war. In addition to the primary sources, I've also cited the works of other scholarly findings that further strengthen my research. Through my research, I had come to the conclusion that the USSR (The Union of Soviet Socialists Republic) leader, Joseph Stalin, had the true power to initiate the war. He did just that, as soon as the 'international situation' favored that of communism. In all, I believe this misconception plays a part to which how society forgets that the Cold War was not just the United States vs Russia, but rather had a tremendous impact on the globe.

Kenneth Aubuchon | Economics, History, and Political Science | Faculty Sponsor Teresa Thomas