Smart Transportation Systems


Many people live in or travel to a city area because of the availability of various opportunities. An increase in population density may cause heavy traffic flow on city roads. Because of this, we can see the heavy traffic jams and frequent road accidents in a big city like Boston, New York, and Chicago. Considering these issues, authors present a revolutionary smart transportation and smart city traffic management approach for mobility and emergency response, while reducing congestion on city roads. According to the US Department of Transportation, smart transportation is an integrated approach that applies a variety of technologies to monitor, evaluate, and manage transportation systems to enhance efficiency and safety. Through extensive literature reviews, this study reports the various parameters of smart transportation systems and their importance for the sustainable development of a city. By conducting a case study, the authors explore how public infrastructure and the automotive industry can be integrated to accomplish the goals of remote management and control, safety, and efficiency. In addition, it presents the comparative study between traditional traffic management and smart traffic management approaches.

Mynor Gamez, Chad Anthony, & David Morales-Diaz, & Naiim Muhammad | Engineering Technology | Faculty Sponsor Nirajan Mani

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Vladyko A., Elagin, V., & Rogozinsky, G. (2020). Method of early pedestrian warning in developing intelligent transportation system infrastructure, Transportation Research Procedia, 50, 708-715.