The Sun, The Moon, The Plants And The Stars

Chloe Petersen

The Sun, The Moon, The Plants And The Stars

The sun shines so bright so the moon and stars can guide us at night
The sun shines so the moon can give me the insight
I myself am the moon, ever going through phases, but always constant
I know my core like the craters but evolve my form with every phase

I am bright as the sun but sensitive as the moon
My strengths bright as the sun, bursting with rays
I am the sun and moon, hard on the outside but soft in the center
Playful, creative, grounded, tough and goal driven like my sun sign
Curious, passionate, travel oriented, knowledge driven like my moon sign

I am powerful like the rulers of the sun and moon
Venus rules my exterior while Jupiter controls my heart
I am controlled by my curious and earthly nature
I can only be defined by logic and the truth to gain my wisdom

Strategic in all ways keeps me rising
Concealing my emotions only giving it to those I trust is my rising nature
Self controlled, soulful, generous, passionate and loving yet intimidating keeps me going
No matter the traits the sun, moon, stars and all the planets align who I am