
By: FPS Communications Coordinator and FHS assistant varsity baseball coach, Chad Garner

Stay positive.

I know, it’s easier said than done.

In life, we have all doubted and not stayed positive at one time or another. It’s human nature.

During this COVID-19 pandemic that has crippled the entire country, it’s more difficult to stay positive, I know.

Our normal has been turned upside down. Our “normal” day-to-day routines are a thing of the past. The new normal is being uncomfortable, not knowing when this pandemic will vanish or if and when it will get worse.

It’s a sad time in our lives. It’s something none of us really know how to handle because we’ve never been in this situation before.

But as is always the way, in life and in sports, the only thing you can really do is control what you do.

As an athlete, that means trying not to worry about outside influences. You control you, it’s as simple as that.

This is directed at the spring athlete – the athlete that always has to deal with adversity in the spring season. That adversity usually is in the form of Mother Nature, however.

This pandemic is far worse, I know, than dealing with Mother Nature.

But regardless, it’s out of our control.

There’s no need to waste energy on things we can’t control.

What we can control, however, is what we do on a daily basis.

You control your “new” routine, whatever it may be.

Wake up, eat, do your on-line school work (that’s another new normal for better or worse, too), go outside and get exercise, connected with loved ones and your friends, play video games, or whatever you choose to do throughout the day.

In your particular sport, you still control you. You control how you prepare.

Do you want to sit around, not exercise and not try to work on your athletic craft?

If that’s your angle, you are not staying positive, and are already failing.

Being positive means believing things will return to normal at a given time.

For the spring athlete, it means maintaining positivity and believing the spring season will take place, if school begins on May 4 and the MIAA gives us the go-ahead that we can start practicing and playing.

If you’re positive and are still head strong and keep believing, then I know you are already working out and practicing skill work to help you be ready for when we can take to our athletic fields.

Stay ready. Stay prepared. Stay positive.

The best athletes are always prepared, regardless of the situation. They eat obstacles for breakfast.

Now is your time to be prepared.

Being prepared is a great quality to have in life anyway.

If you believe, you can achieve.

My advice to EVERY spring athlete is to be mentally and physically ready now with an eye on when they say we can play again this spring.

If it doesn’t happen, yes, we will all be crushed. I will share in your pain and all your coaches will, too.

But I know many spring athletes also play their sports in the summer, as well. The same mindset should be the goal. Stay ready.

Now is the time to be ready. Be ready for daily challenges and obstacles. The great athletes are always ready.

Be positive every step of the way. I hope to see you on the field very soon!!!