Registration is now closed, but you can find information about renting the film on demand here.


  1. Sign up by April 21* for the free film screening of SAUL AND RUBY'S HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR BAND using the form below. We will only use your email address to contact you regarding the film screening.

  2. The film link will be free to the first 75 people** who sign up. The film link and promo code will be emailed to you at the registered email address on April 22, and the film will be available for viewing until April 24.

  3. Beginning April 22, use the film link and promo code to stream the film via Vimeo on Demand, which is compatible with many devices and smart TVs. You will need to create a Vimeo account to access the film.

  4. If you need assistance with video streaming on Vimeo, please check the Vimeo Help articles here. There is also a link in the top left corner of the Vimeo Help page to contact Vimeo Support if you require technical assistance.

  5. If you need any other assistance, please contact Leah at the Fine Arts Theatre via email at

*If you sign up after April 21, we will do our best to get the link to you in a timely manner, but please keep in mind that it is a manual process that will be conducted by one Fine Arts Theatre staff member who will be responding to emails between 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. daily.

**If we exceed 75 registrants, the film link will be available at the regular rental price of $6.

For information about the film, please click here.