Ms. Hulsey

Office Hours: 7:45 AM - 3:45 PM

Room: 206

"Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one." -Grandmother Willow from Pocahontas


  • Please check your child's PowerSchool account weekly. If you need your login, please contact Mrs. Parker at the office.

  • Midterms will be sent home Oct. 6th.

  • Harvest/Halloween party sign-up will be sent on Bloomz in the next couple weeks.

Staff Websites

Principal: Mr. Mahannah

Secretary: Rachelle Parker

Counselor: Mrs. Kohntopp

Behavioral Lead: Ms. Neil

Title: Mrs. Johnson

Special Education: Ms. Ennis (Mrs. Olive, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Cobb) & Ms. Claar (Mrs. Stone & Mrs. Romer)

Block: Ms. Hollifield (PE) & Mr. Sweet (Music) & Mrs. Edler (Computers) & Mrs. Fay (Library)