Mr. Wolf
The University of Idaho -- Go Vandals!!!
BS Ag Science and Technology 6/12
Consumer Econ 6/12 endorsement
The Hobart Institute of Welding Technology
AWS Certified Welding Inspector 2000-2010
AWS Certified Welding Educator 2000-Present
Contact Information
Phone: (208) 326-5944 Ext. 4302
Fax: (208) 326-3419
Curriculum Links
Advisory --
Filer FFA Chapter Google Classroom
1st Semester Courses
Ag Fab --
2nd Semester Courses
Ag Welding --
About Me
I started teaching career here at Filer High School in 1996. Over the years, I have taught a variety of courses related to Agriculture and been the advisor for the Filer FFA Chapter. Students will be expected to meet all individual course objectives. Instructors will act as facilitators in these lab oriented and application based courses. The course requires extensive student research and completion of experiments. Courses will identify and build on student strengths. Instruction will be geared to students; students will feel valued. Peer interactions will mirror the real world. A system of extra help will be built in. Students will learn how to evaluate their own progress and make adjustments as needed throughout the course.
Student assessment will be based on group work, individual completion of project journals and portfolios, project presentations, written reports, tests of students’ knowledge, and demonstration of student importance. In carrying out projects, students will explain how they thought through the assignment and considered various alternatives to complete the product.
Student projects will provide opportunities for integrating Language, Math, Science and Technology skills. Projects give students the opportunity to get beyond the classroom, beyond the High School and into the community and the world of work.