Fairport Harbor Schools

Skippers Run

The Fairport Harbor Schools are proud supporters of the Just Run program! This website has been developed for the purposes of parent communication regarding the Just Run program.

JUST RUN is a FREE, multifaceted youth fitness program developed by the Big Sur Marathon Foundation. It not only promotes exercise and the sport of running but also good citizenship and healthy eating through its Just Deeds and Just Taste features. Virtual runs across the USA and Europe link points of interest and geographical and historical sites making it educational as well.

Visit the Just Run Website for more information by clicking the link to the left!

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER YOUR STUDENT or register as a volunteer!

Registration Feb 1 - Mar 30

Fairport Harbor Schools : Just Run FAQ

What is Just Run in Fairport Harbor?

Just Run is a running club for students in the Fairport Harbor Schools. The goals of the program are:

  1. To run, walk, or participate in physical activity for at least 30 minutes each day.
  2. To commit to the JUST RUN program and to eventually be able to run or walk at least 3 continuous miles.
  3. To learn how to make better nutritional choices.
  4. To continue to be a good citizen and help others.

When is the 5K Race?

The 2019 race will be held in Fairport Harbor on May 23, 2020 @ 9am. (You will receive complete student details closer to race day.)

When are practices held?

Practices will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-4:30 starting on March 31, 2019. Dates are listed on the Practice tab on this website.

Where are practices held?

Practices will be held at McKinley Elementary. Students will be required to check in at the gym when they arrive at practice each day and should be picked up from the McKinley Gym doors promptly at 4:30.

What are practices like?

During each session we will be warming up, playing active group games, working out, warming down, and having some talk time.

1 day will be drills/relays/laps/running activities

1 day will be endurance based - ie. running longer each week working up to the 5K race.

Students will count their laps working up to longer and longer distances.

Can I practice on my own?

YES! You will need to practice on your own to build endurance.

Can families participate?

Absolutely! This is encouraged and we would love to have parents join us for practices.

Who supervises practices?

Mrs. Polak will be supervising practices along with several staff volunteers. We also appreciate help from parent volunteers who are interested in running with us.

What if I have never ran before?

That's great! We are so excited that you are ready to try something new! There is no expectation except putting one foot in front of the other and having a positive attitude. Whether you are running a marathon or taking a walk around the block- you are doing great things for your health and wellness by moving your body.

What should my child bring to Just Run practice?

Your child will need:

Comfortable clothes - some days are windy or cold so prepare your child with a sweatshirt or jacket.

Appropriate shoes that are comfortable for running and jumping, shoes, running shoes are required. (Contact Mrs. Polak at jpolak@fhevs.org if you need assistance with this)

A water bottle with his/her name written on it is suggested.

A healthy snack - Suggested, not required. We will NOT be providing snacks.

Students will be responsible for their own items during Just Run. We are not responsible for lost items.

How do I get updates for the Just Run Program?

Mrs. Polak will be posting updates on the McKinley Facebook Page and also sending emails. You can also contact me directly with questions at jpolak@fhevs.org