
The FEU Alabang Student Coordinating Council (FEUASCC) is the supreme student organization representing the interests and needs of the student body at FEU Alabang. The organization's power and authority are derived directly from the students, making it the unified, autonomous, and democratic voice of the student community. 

The council's primary mission is to protect and uphold the rights of the students, as outlined in the Magna Carta of Students and the Law of the Land. It maintains an independent stance, ensuring its focus remains solely on the concerns and welfare of the student body.

The SCC values academic freedom and justice-based peace, working collaboratively with other sectors of the FEU Alabang community to promote these essential values. It recognizes the crucial role of the youth in nation-building and is committed to supporting their physical, intellectual, socio-cultural, and spiritual development.

The council encourages student organizations to prioritize student welfare and rejects any forms of violence, policy, or activities that violate college regulations or the Law of the Land. Its commitment to honesty and integrity drives the council to maintain transparency in all transactions involving the interests of its members.

The FEU Alabang Student Coordinating Council strives to:

Through these efforts, the council aims to create a strong, empowered, and inclusive community at FEU Alabang.