March 2021 Choice Board
Trivia Night 2025

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Elementary School

Site username: wbb11453

Site password: school

User:  fennimore

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Science and Social Studies (Grades 3-6)

User Name:  fennimore

Password:  read

Through more than 9500 scientific assets—including a variety of interactive media and experiments with step-by-step instructions— students can practice hands-on scientific learning in the classroom or on the go. 

The search interface for EBSCO's elementary school resources
Innovative early learning resource for students in grade levels kindergarten through second grade. 
Encyclopedia articles with images, interactive maps, games, and other learning materials for elementary school students.
Enciclopedia español para los estudiantes más jóvenes y educadores. Spanish encyclopedia for younger students.
FES Checkouts "flip chart" 2022-2023 to share