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Page 7

TIP #044: When doing placement under BGA, ...

Why? When placing the components - second time, you will know which direction you have some free space.

TIP #043: List all pin alternate functions in SCH symbol

Why? You see directly and clearly from your schematic how the pins can be used.

TIP #042: Create Assembly Drawings

Why? Very often this is used during board assembly and it is very useful during debugging.

TIP #041: Add more information on silkscreen

Why? Helps during assembly. Can prevent placement issues during PCB design (e.g. too close, wrong rotation,…)

TIP #040: Use the chip support as little as possible

Why? In most cases, they will not help you.

TIP #039: Be careful how you order pins on your connectors

Why? For example, you may want GND/PWR separate CLK signal from the others, it helps minimize crosstalk between signals on a cable.

TIP #038: Place fiducials in the PCB corners

Why? Assembly house uses them.

TIP #037: Use “.Checked PCB” ".Checked SCH" parameters

Why? Helps you to identify symbols and footprints which you need to check, helps to speed up schematic drawing process

TIP #036: Buy a good mouse

Why? When doing schematic and layout for weeks / months / years and moving your hand all the time, you really need a good mouse.

TIP #035: Use ferrite beads or 0R resistors on powers

Why? It helps with power noise filtering, easy to measure currents, circuit can be disconnected, …

TIP #034: Have a look at what your competition is using

Why? In some cases you may want to use exactly the same components because of software / hardware compatibility.

TIP #033: If you can, try using leaded tin when repairing

Why? It melts at lower temperature and behaves better than un-leaded tin

TIP #032: Always do testing in environmental chamber

Why? It helps you to find possible problems before mass production

TIP #031: Include page number in Schematic page name

Why? It helps you quickly jump to the right page

TIP #030: Do Paper model of your board

Why? It’s a simple way to check if everything fits correctly and if everything is in the right place.

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