Game Session 2

Micael Sousa

Micael Sousa is a Civil Engineer, master degree in Energy and Environment from Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Bachelor degree in History and master degree in heritage studies from Universidade Aberta, Spatial planning Phd student from Coimbra University and Oporto University. Worked as councillor adviser for urban planning in the municipality of Leiria, as a researcher in transports and road safety in Polytechnic Institute of Leiria. Trainer in serious board games and collaboration. Now researching about serious games in planning, adapting and creating board games and other analogue game design tools to facilitate planning processes.


Organized by Micael Sousa,
CITTA, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Coimbra

The board game session will focus in the use of city building hobby board games as serious games. Participants can learn and play the games with the help and facilitation of Micael Sousa. The first games will have the objective of breaking the ice and establish communication among participants. After the warmup other games, related to city building in collaborative playing, will be tweaked to simulate planning realities and possible applications. After the game testing it will happen a debriefing about the methodology were participants can freely express their opinions. There will be more games exposed enabling participants to see more alternatives from a selection of hobby board games, most of them known as eurogames, related to planning themes. These games result from a new wave of boardgame design and hobby culture that are revolutionizing gaming creativity and enabling new tools for serious gaming in face to face solutions.