
Working with your supervisor is one of the key aspects of a successful personal project. You are recommended to meet with your supervisor once every week. Your supervisor is available to answer any questions and to guide you through the design process.


Students' responsibilities:

    • Make initial contact with the supervisor
    • Negotiate and agree on regular meeting times with your Supervisor
    • Attend (punctually) meetings with supervisor
    • Manage time and organize work
    • Work independently to prepare work for the next scheduled meeting
    • Ask supervisor questions and seek help when it is needed
    • Hand everything in on time

Supervisor’s responsibilities:

    • Negotiate and agree on regular meeting times with your student(s)
    • Monitor student’s time management, organization and project progress
    • Monitor student work to ensure it meets assessment standards
    • Communicate areas of strength, weakness and improvement to their students
    • Provide guidance, support, encouragement and reassurance
    • Help students test and reshape ideas
    • Vouch for the authenticity of your student’s work
    • Contact home if necessary
    • Grade the final Process Journal, Product, and Report and take part in internal standardization of marks


It is up to you to demonstrate an appropriate level of organizational skills and time management. If you miss a meeting with your supervisor or are not keeping up with your work, the following steps will be followed:

    1. Supervisor makes direct contact with the student.
    2. Supervisor e-mails parents & CC's in MYP Coordinator.
    3. Supervisor phones the parents.
    4. Conference with Student, Supervisor and MYP Coordinator. This will be arranged by the Supervisor.
    5. Letter home from the MYP Coordinator requesting parents to attend a conference with Supervisor, Student, & MYP Coordinator.
    6. If your project is not completed to standards by the final due date, the student will stay during Summer School to work on your project with the MYP Coordinator.

To Do List

At the first meeting with your supervisor:

    • Discuss your meeting schedule. You are recommended to meet with your supervisor once every week or every 6-day cycle. Remember you should have approximately seven hours of contact time with your supervisor, but is up to you and your supervisor to arrange the best way to use this time.
    • Swap contact information with your supervisor. Including your parents’ emails and phone numbers.

At each subsequent meeting with your supervisor:

    • Review your Process Journal and discuss the progress you've made.
    • Confirm the time and place for the next meeting and discuss expectations (Possibly create a To-Do List).
    • Note what you discussed in your process journal and/or on the Academic Honesty section on ManageBac. If you record dates and brief comments from each meeting on ManageBac, it will automatically create the academic honesty form that you need to turn in with the final report.