
Step 10: Evaluate the quality of the product/outcome against your criteria

    • In the fourth column of the "Specifications for Success" table in your Planning Document, evaluate your final product/outcome against the criteria you created in the Planning stage.
    • In order to reach the highest bands in the rubric you need to "analyze the quality of the product/outcome against all the stated criteria." That means you need to go beyond a simply identifying if your criteria were met or not.

Step 11: Reflect on how completing the project has extended your knowledge and understanding of the topic and the global context

    • In your process journal, reflect on what you have learned about the topic and global context through completing your project.
    • In order to reach the highest bands in the rubric you need to:
      • Evaluate how you have extended your knowledge and understanding of the topic AND the global context
      • You also need to use "meaningful examples, detailed descriptions, and insightful explanations" to illustrate this extension of knowledge and understanding.

Step 12: Reflect on your development as an IB learner through the project

    • In your process journal, reflect on how you have developed as an IB learner through completing your project. Be sure to use the terminology from the IB Learner Profile, but choose two or three attributes that you developed most. Do not try to describe each one.
    • In order to reach the highest bands in the rubric you need to:
      • Evaluate your development as an IB learner
      • Use "appropriate examples, detailed descriptions, and insightful explanations" to illustrate your development.