Personal Project Fair

Presenting the Personal Project

The Personal Project Exhibition is a space for you to share the entire Personal Project process with our community. This takes place after the entire process is completed and grades have been submitted.


    • A poster including:
      • Your Name
      • Project Title
      • Project Goal with Specifications for Success
      • Global Context
      • Supervisor Name
    • Evidence of your final project, preferably the product itself if possible or other evidence such as photos or video.
    • Any materials that show the process of creating the product (e.g. process journal, photos or videos of the process, the project report, etc.)

Be prepared to answer questions

    • Guest may ask for example about your product/outcome, the process, your use of approaches to learning (ATL) skills, the global context, plans for further development or what you would do differently if you had the chance.
    • The judges, especially will be asking these sorts of questions and recognitions will be given for the top projects.
    • 9th grade students, who are preparing to start the process, will also be in attendance and will already be looking for ideas for their own projects and suggestions for successfully completing the Personal Project.


  • If you need technical assistance or a special resource for the presentation (such as access to outlets, extra space, etc.), contact the MYP Coordinator at least a week before the Fair.
  • All students should wear their formal uniforms to the Fair.