Research Document

Make a copy of the Research Document Google Doc and create an Annotated Bibliography as you collect and evaluate your sources.

Each source should be cited in MLA format and in one to two paragraphs briefly:

    1. Summarizing the source
    2. Evaluating the source using the CRAAP test (see below)
    3. Justifying a connection to the project.

See example entries below.

Sample Entries:

"Recomendaciones Ante Posible Erupción Volcán Cotopaxi." Quito Alcaldia. Municipio Del Distrito Metropolitano De Quito., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.

This website exhibits authority as it comes from the Mayorship of Quito. Its purpose is to inform citizens of steps to take during a volcanic eruption. Because of the recent Cotopaxi activity, this sources provides up-to-date information to help people in Pichincha. The site offers relevant and accurate information in comparison with my interviews and other online sources. As a political website, it may be biased as it probably seeks to calm citizens rather than scare them into .

This website includes 35 frequently asked questions with answers provided by the Mayorship of Quito. Some of the questions that are useful regarding my project are: where should one go in case of an evacuation? Should I have an emergency kit? What should my emergency kit have? Those questions were all related to my research questions. The website also provides a map showing areas that are at risk, which I will use when explaining in the video what one should do if the volcano erupts while one is at home, because depending on the home location the course of action of the individual will vary.

Ordoñez, Antonella. Personal interview. 24 November 2015.

Ordoñez, Julian. Personal interview. 24 November 2015.

Antonella is 7 years old and her input is very important. She represents the age group of students that I will be communicating with through my videos. While she may not understand everything that is happening, I need to determine what she knows and what she does not know. She recently has experienced the volcanic activity and the accompanying evacuations drills so she does provide recent knowledge for the project.

Using her knowledge I can create a database, basically of what most kids know about the Cotopaxi. Antonella knew about what the emergency kit should contain and what to do if the Cotopaxi erupts and she is in her home. She did not know what to do if the eruption occurs while she is in the car or what the different alerts meant. (ex. Red alert, yellow alert.) Julian, who is 5 years old, knew less, the only facts he knew for certain was after the explosion to put on the mask, the goggles and the scarf. The conclusions are as follows: the children know little about how long volcanoes take to explode, what the alerts mean and what to do if the eruption occurs anywhere that is not school.

"¿Qué hacer ante una erupción?" Instituto Geofisico. EPN, n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2015.

This article was focused on action an individual can take before a volcano eruption, in other words, prevention methods. The information comes from the leading authority on volcanoes and earthquakes in the country, the Escuela Politécnica Nacional. One drawback of this article was that it was not focused on the Cotopaxi but instead on volcanoes in general, making it less valuable for this project. The benefits were that it really specifies a list format of the steps one should take. This is very helpful because it makes it easier to process the information for children, since making a list is easier to understand and is simpler than processing entire articles. But the best aspect of this article as a whole was that it provided a phone number and an email to reach the scientists, a benefit that will prove very useful.