
The Report

The report is your personal reflection of your entire project. It is a thorough reflection of the entire project, from defining your goal, researching, planning, to actually creating your product as well as a reflection on the skills and knowledge you have developed. It should include excerpts from your Process Journal in the appendices and a complete Bibliography.

You may choose to create either a Written Report or an Oral Report.

Written Report: The length of the Written Report will vary depending on the Personal Project; however, it should be between 1,500 and 3,500 words. The IB expects students to express reflective thinking in a concise and precise manner.

What is the Oral Report? The Oral Report is a 13-15 minute presentation given to your supervisor. You must incorporate visual aids that should include excerpts from your Process Journal. Your Oral Report will be video recorded and you will be given the chance to improve your Report by presenting to your Supervisor a second time if you choose to do so. In addition, you must hand in a Title Page, Summary of the Project (no more than 150 words), and a complete Bibliography.

What makes an excellent Report? The format of the Report follows the same stages in the design cycle and steps in the process you used to complete the project. If you have been keeping a detailed record of your process in your Process Journal, writing the report is very easy. Excellent reports include specific details and examples and go beyond simply describing or explaining the project to analyzing, evaluating and justifying what you've done.

Report Checklist: Use this checklist during and after you have completed your Report. You may choose to create either a Written or an Oral Report. Remember an Oral Report must follow the same requirements in the presentation and a Title Page, Project Summary (no more than 150 words) and Bibliography must be submitted in addition to the recorded presentation. .