Prob Stats Info 22-23

Linda Dewees

Join the class Remind for HW and reminders : Text 81010 with message @dewgstats

Resources : You will need a graphing calculator (TI 83 or 84), lots of paper and pencils, and a good attitude (If you don’t have a calculator, you will be assigned one to use in class.)

Material to Cover: Descriptive Statistics, Z Scores and Normal Distributions, Scatterplots and Correlation, Voting, Finances, and Collection of Data

Probability, Binomial and Geometric Probabilities, Sampling Distributions, Confidence Intervals, and Tests of Significance

Grading Policy: The school’s grading policy will be followed in this class:

0-59.4 F 60-69.5 D 70-79.5 C 80-89.5 B 90-100 A

The break down of grades: Summative: 45% Formative : 45% Final : 10%

Summative: 45%

Tests: Tests are generally worth 100 points and they are at the end of most units. Tests are announced far in advance so even if the review day before the test is missed, students are still required to take the test on the day of the test. Make-ups are given for excused absences and will be given at 7:30 AM or during Advisory within the allowed time according to school policy (3 days). Failure to make up the test in the approved time can result in a 0 for that test grade.

Tests are over when the bell rings. The only exceptions will be for students with 504s or IEPs.

Formative : 45%

Quizzes and In Class Projects (15%): Quizzes are almost always announced and happen two to three times in a unit. The same rules for make-up tests apply to quizzes. In class projects happen several times a semester and can usually be completed in 1 to 2 days in class.

Classwork and Homework (30%): There will generally be assignments every day. The expectation is that assignments will be completed in class and if work remains, it will be done for homework. Credit will be given for attempting to do the majority of the assignment. Assignments are worth 10 points a day. 0 points for no work, 5 points for half of the work, and 10 points for all the work. Make-up work can be turned in up until the day of the test.

Final Exam : 10% - There will be a final exam at the end of both first and second semesters.

Phone policy: This is a no phone classroom. In the back of the room there is a hanging container that you can place your phone in in order for it to charge. This is completely optional. However, if you have your phone out in class, I will ask you to place your phone in the container and the expectation is that you will then place it in the container. Failure to follow the request will result in consequences.

Other Class Rules:

Students are to arrive in class before the bell rings and be prepared to begin work.

Cell phones and other electronic devices are not to be out in class. This includes chromebooks and calculators if they are not in use as instructed by me.

Students are not to be disruptive. This means no talking when others are talking. Students are to be respectful of the teacher and other classmates.

Foul language and rude comments are not permitted.

All school rules should be followed.

Students are not to eat in class. Liquids that are contained in a bottle with a top are allowed. There is to be no chomping of ice.

Do not destroy property or leave trash around desks.

Students will not sleep in class. Violators will be asked to stand and take notes.