AVID - Advancement Via Individual Determination

Thank you for your interest in the AVID program here at Lafayette High School! For more than 30 years, AVID has been instrumental in preparing more than two million students, in over 8,000 schools, for success in higher education and future career aspirations. For one period of their schedules, students will receive additional academic, social, and emotional support that will help them succeed in our school’s most rigorous courses. Topics covered in the AVID curriculum include study skills development, focused note-taking, organization, time-management strategies, college and career exploration, and personal development. 

Students who are enrolled in the AVID program will gain knowledge pertaining to the college going process, improve their academic capabilities, and receive mentoring services related to available career opportunities. 94% of students who enroll in the AVID program complete college entrance requirements by the end of high school and 88% persist into their second year of college.

If interested in enrolling your student in the AVID program here at Lafayette High School, please contact Blake Atzinger by emailing blake.atzinger@fayette.kyschools.us

Thank you for your support and Go Generals! 

Student Sample College Choices Project

Link to  AVID Program Site

Sample Career Exploration Resource