4th Grade
Student Portal

It's Totally Go Time Fourth Graders!!

The links below will take you to sites that we will use all year long. Even when using these sites for independent work, give your BEST EFFORT!!!

All independent assignments, Zoom links, info about your classes will be posted here for each of your classes. Basically, this is home base. Talk to your teacher to join new classes- you'll need a code!!


Tons of reading and math lessons. Lessons will be assigned to complete each week.

Tons of Science, Social Studies, and even some Language Arts videos and activities. We'll use this a lot for Social Studies and Science.

Students can take quizzes over books they have read.

Click on Imagine Learning to go to your Clever page. Click Log In with Google. You will see icons for Imagine Learning Math, Math Facts, Language & Literacy, and Reading at the bottom.

Messages from Google Classroom and grades of returned Google Classroom work can be seen here. Log in using this:username: first.last@stu.fayette.kyschools.uspassword: AR / Chromebook password

Fluency review for ALL operations.

Practice your addition fluency with these timed challenges.

Practice your subtraction fluency with these timed challenges.

Practice your multiplication fluency with these timed challenges.

Practice your multiplication fluency with these timed challenges.