Sociology (A Level)

Our A level qualification provides students with the ability to examine how everyday experiences shape our lives. In particular, we will study patterns of behaviour within social groups and the impact of class, gender, ethnicity and age on social relationships. The focus of the course will be the UK, but references will be made to other cultures as well.

Click on the pages above to view the taster lesson, course preparation work and additional tasks for A level Sociology. You can also meet the team!

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We examine the nature Vs nurture debate and the key role that socialisation plays in relation to our social class, gender, sexual, ethnic, national, age and disabled identities.


Here you will explore media representations of different social groups and also the impact that the media has upon its audiences e.g. are viewers more likely to turn to crime after viewing violent footage or playing violent computer games?


Allows you to gain an insight into HOW sociologists research different groups of people in society and also critique methods that have been used in research.


We will examine the extent to which social class, gender, ethnic and age inequalities exist within the contemporary UK and apply sociological theory to explaining these. We explore inequality in a range of ares of social life including EDUCATION, HEALTHCARE, THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM ETC.


This exciting contemporary topic explores the impacts of globalisation and social media - we debate whether these have lead to a consensus (where people are now 'closer' due to technology removing barriers of distance) OR whether it has lead to conflict (where digital communication has lead to inequality and an increase in global crime).


Finally we get to explore the 'sociology of education' - we get to look at a brief history of education within the UK and explore who does and does not achieve in the current system. This topic also delves into political influences on the education system.

Check out our Instagram page to see what we get up to in the Sociology department!

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