Health and Physical Education
Welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed their summer and is ready to begin the school year refreshed and renewed. I am looking forward to a fun, safe and year in Health and Physical Education. Some activities that we have participated in before will be back again such as soccer, football, baseball, roller skating, and gymnastics and some new invasion games. The gymnastics unit will include all grade levels as well as a fun and competitive obstacle course. In just one week we will be starting our annual Physical Fitness testing.
Finally, the 2023/24 school year is here!! In working to keep all students and parents informed I have created this website, as well as, a Google Classroom for each class. Please make sure you are checking both your Google Classroom and this website for the most up to date information.
As we navigate this new year together please remember to continue growing in your teamwork skills, sportsmanship and determination! While some things may be changing, let's take the time to appreciate all of the things we have enjoyed about Farmingdale in the past and continue growing together!
About Mr. Klag
For those of you returning to Farmingdale, welcome back! For those of you that are new this year, welcome! I can't wait to get to know all of you!
This will be my 10th year teaching health and physical education at Farmingdale. I love being a Viking and I enjoy all of the special activities our small communities allows us to do!
Contact Mr. Klag
Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions, comments or concerns.