Davies Tutoring Club

Helping Students Succeed

Sign Up To Get A Tutor

To get set up with a tutor for what you specifically need help in and the time that you are available fill out this google form.

You will be contacted as soon as possible with more information. It doesn't have to be a long term arrangement; it could only last a couple days if that's all you need.

Paper Submissions

You are able to submit your paper through a google form to be peer reviewed by a tutor. They will only comment and make suggestions. For more information go to the Paper Submissions page.

Tutor Signup

You will need a teacher recommendation, so make sure to talk to a teacher before filling this out. If you only want to tutor Discovery students, fill out the Tutoring @ Discovery Signup Form.

Remind Code for Tutors

Text the following code to 81010, sign up in the remind app on your smart phone, or use this link.

  • @ea4bf8

Tutor Schedule Change

If you are a tutor and something has affected your availability or if you would like to add or remove classes to your available tutoring list, please fill out this google form.