
Year of Desire

Prayer & Fasting

From coordinated prayer efforts to personal devotions, FRP first and foremost is seeking God to show us the Way forward. All our results and fruitfulness comes from prayer. Fasting & Sacrifice will transform prayer into redemptive suffering.

Practical Opportunities

The Way of Trust 54-Day Rosary Novenas, the Pilgrimage to the Holy Family, Parish & Family Holy Hours, & Weekly Divine Mercy Chaplets are offered & promoted year round. Holy Mass & Eucharist is the source of all prayer, faith, & discipleship.


Everyone is seeking answers to their questions in some way, but only through a relationship with the very Person of Jesus Christ can the answers He gives to us make sense. Discipling others begins first with receiving Jesus' love in our own lives.

Practical Opportunities

The DYS Formation Model is offered to families, adults, leaders, and teachers in specific schools & parishes throughout the ArchLou. See the Tabs above for a quick explanation of each opportunity. Also see the "Tiers of Services" Tab.

Family Outreach

Each year will have a special theme, and from that theme--our courses, counseling, events, and ministries will take shape. We reach families through community & invitation. The family is at the heart of society, and is the nucleus of all cultures.

Practical Opportunities

Gatherings for Men, Women, & Couples are offered monthly or quarterly. Family Field Days, Couples Dances, Parent Groups, Online Resources, & Marriage Prep will also be annual / biannual.

Cultural Change

JPII believed the engine of historical change, more than politics or economics, is culture; and at the heart of culture, is cult, or religion. His love for theatre, poetry, music, art, nature, and human love inspires us to take the same approach today.

Practical Opportunities

Plays, Shows, Festivals, & Concerts will be organized each year. 

Launch "Nucleus: The Central Hub for Creating Culture" inviting all Artists, Playwrights, Musicians, Actors, Poets, Adventurers, Coaches, Romantics, Pioneers, & Filmmakers



July 7-12: Launch “Camp Humility” Catholic Camp Experience @ Larue County Farm


September 22: Annual "Life Fest: Live Love Louisville" of RTLL @ Waterfront Park







May 9-25: Premiere of “Imagine" the Musical performed by the Wilderness Trail Players

May 9-25: Premiere of “Imagine Seeing as God Sees: JPII's TOB 50 Years Later"