Our 10-Year Target

What does this mean?

1,000,000 hours of TOB formation & education with people during the calendar year 2033 

1,000,000 Hours / Year = 83,000 Hours / Month = 20,000 Hours / Work Week = 4,000 Hours / Work Day = 500 Hours / Hour

If a classroom has 25 students, then to reach this goal

--based on an average 8-hour work day for 5 days per week--

we would need to teach in 20 classrooms every work hour of every work day. 

As unmanageable or unrealistic as that sounds, let's break it down by employee bandwidth and the average 8-hour work day

With FIVE full-time 40-hour teachers / catechists / instructors, 

each employee would need to teach in 4 classrooms (25 students each) for every hour of employment.

This means, to truly make this a realistic goal (if we don't count online courses) then we really need 

a MINIMUM of 20 Full-Time Teachers teaching in 1 classroom for every hour of employment.