Health Services

The Fall River public school nurses are important and valued members of the educational team. They offer unique opportunities for students to learn healthy behaviors and to receive easily accessible health services within a school setting. They are specially trained in health promotion and assessment, respond skillfully to the ever-changing health care needs of today's students, and are knowledgeable in the most appropriate referral procedures.


School nurses look forward to speaking with parents and guardians about any health concerns they may have regarding their child. Communication between parents and school nurses ensures the healthiest outcomes for all of our students. Please feel free to contact your child’s school nurse at any time.

It is especially important to contact the school nurse if your child:

When To Keep Your Child Home

*The above symptoms are used as a guideline for parents. The school nurse retains the right, based otheir medical judgment, to dismiss a child related to signs/symptoms of illness/injury.

Returning After Illness or Injury

Excused absences will be permitted under the following circumstances, and require the indicated documentation

Every absence from class or school will be considered unexcused until proper documentation is presented. Please note that doctor’s notes will be accepted when submitted to the school nurse within 2 weeks following an absence. Doctor’s notes are legal documents and may not be tampered with or altered in any way. School officials are authorized to verify all information presented. 


On the day a student is absent, it is the responsibility of a parent or guardian to telephone your child's school within the first 90 minutes of the school day to give a valid reason for the absence.  

Please reference the FRPS Attendance Policy for further questions.  

Helpful Links & Resources

Emergency Cupboard rackcard rev.pdf
Home Project Rack Card 2023.pdf