
the Incredible Virus of Creativity


IIS "E. Majorana" 

Bari (Italy)

CPFIP "Los Viveros"

Sevilla (Spain)

IC "Falcone Borsellino"

Bari (Italy)

Escolas de Pinheiro

Termas de S. Vicente (Portugal)


DIVOC deals with the rediscovery of the ancient pilgrims’ routes that cross Europe as a means to integrate arts in an European dimension and give teachers and students innovative and creative strategies to meet the needs of their communities. It will focus on three routes (via Francigena and two Saint James routes – the Portuguese and Via de la Plata ones) and, while walking, participants will gain knowledge of the historic monuments and the natural environment around them. The project also aims at promoting the territories explored on a tourist and an economic level and, through its activities, it will give our students the chance to gain the competences needed to work in the field of sustainable tourism. DIVOC will provide students with a chance to reflect and learn how to manage personal relationships, be tolerant and fight against the fear of diversity.

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