Sora App

On a phone or iPad, go to the app store and download the free Sora App.

Sora is the app for Overdrive - Our digital library of ebooks and audiobooks

On your Chromebook or Another Computer:

There are two ways to get to the Sora App - Choose one

#1 - How to Get into the Sora App online:

  1. Go to
  2. Find your school - Your school is Fairfield Public Schools
  3. Then Sign in using Fairfield Public Schools - This will take you to the Classlink log in.
  4. Log in using your Classlink log in (normal username and password)
  5. Click EXPLORE on the bottom to find a book

#2 - How to Get into the Sora App through Classlink

  1. Log in to Classlink
  2. Click the Overdrive app
  3. Choose "Take me to this page in Sora"

Making a Shortcut to Sora on your Chromebook or Computer

  1. Go to the three lines (Settings) in the Sora App
  2. Click on Download Settings
  3. Click Install
  4. This will put a shortcut on to your computer so you can access Sora easily

How to add the Fairfield Public Library to your Sora App

  • In the Sora App, Click the little arrow at the top under Fairfield Public Schools
  • Click "Add a Public Library"
  • Type in "Fairfield Public Library" and add it.
  • Now you can switch between the two libraries

How to Use the Sora App

Watch this video from Overdrive